IO9 Science Articles


THESE ARE science articles I wrote for the online fantasy/science fiction magazine IO9.  The links in the descriptions below are to the original articles on the IO9 site.  If any of the links are broken, you can find copies of the articles on my wiki.

TERRAFORMING, or planetary engineering, is the process of altering the climate of a planet to be more hospitable to life and human exploration. Of all the bodies in the solar system, Mars is by far the best candidate. Here's how that would work.

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PARTICLE PHYSICS is to physics what big game hunting is to field biology. While theoretical physicists pore over their mathematical models, particle physicists are out in the brush with their pith helmets and shotguns, speaking softly, carrying big accelerators and blowing stuff up real good.  Lee Smolin identifies this sociological division as the heart of the trouble with string theory.

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IN HIS BOOK The Fabric of Reality, physicist David Deutsch presents four key concepts which define the universe: quantum theory, computation, evolution by natural selection and Popperian epistemology. Deutsch calls these four concepts the strands of the fabric of reality.

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